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Healthy Pet Care Tips

Displaying posts in Illness/Disease

Cancer in Dogs - Signs & Symptoms

Our vets know that finding a lump on your canine friend can be very worrying. While many lumps are not cancer related, there are a number of cancers which are common in dogs and it can be helpful to watch for the signs of this serious disease.

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My dog has blood in his poop - what should I do?

Our vets know that responsible dog owners spend a lot of time picking up their dog's poop. For that reason, you likely have a pretty good idea of what a normal stool looks like for your dog. But what should you do if you notice blood in your dog's poop? 

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My cat sleeps constantly - how much is too much and when should I worry?

No doubt about it, cats love to sleep. Our vets are often asked by concerned cat owners if they should be concerned that their cat sleeps so much. When does a cat nap indicate that there may actually be a health emergency?

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Help! My cat won't stop vomiting.

All cats will vomit now and again, but frequent or severe vomiting may be a sign that your cat is suffering from something more serious that just an upset tummy.  So what are the signs that you should take your cat to the vet?

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Dogs & Antifreeze: Should I Go To the Pet ER?

Antifreeze poisoning is one of the most common forms of poisoning in dogs because it is commonly found in households. Here, our PetVet Care Centers emergency vets explain why you need to get the vet right away if you think your dog has ingested antifreeze.

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Diabetes In Dogs

Cases of diabetes in dogs are on the rise. Today our Memphis vets share some of the most common signs of this disease in dogs, and what you should do if your dog is displaying symptoms of diabetes.

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Parvovirus and Other Contagious Diseases That Could Affect Your Dog

Viruses, illnesses and infections can spread quickly from your dog to others. Our veterinarians explain three contagious diseases and what to do if you think your pet may be showing symptoms associated with one.

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10 Reasons Why Your Cat is Not Eating

Cats can be notoriously picky eaters, but don't assume this is the only reason they're not eating. Our vets provide some other common causes and when you should see your vet.

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How to Tell if Your Dog Has Heat Stroke: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

When panting isn’t enough to eliminate heat a dog’s body temperature rises, and they can experience heat stroke, which can become fatal if not treated immediately. Here, our vets explain signs, symptoms and remedies for dog heat stroke. 

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Common Cat Illnesses & Symptoms

Many cat illnesses and symptoms can be cause for concern, or even fatal if they are not treated within a certain timeframe. Our vets offer advice about what to watch for.

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